OS X installation

Here is explained how to download, compile and use ACADO toolkit with CMake build system in OS X.

MATLAB installation

The instructions below are for building of the C++ library. If you are looking for the instructions on how to install and use the MATLAB interface, please click here.


One way to install necessary tools is via a package manager called Macports. Please read this webpage (under “Mac OS X Package (.pkg) Installer”) to find out how to install MacPorts. After you install MacPorts, you can install those packages by typing the following command in a terminal (you will need root privileges):

sudo port install gcc47 cmake git-core gnuplot doxygen graphviz

Afterwards, select C and C++ compilers:

sudo port select --set gcc mp-gcc47

Gnuplot and Doxygen are optional. ACADO can work without Gnuplot and/or Doxygen, but in this case you will not be able to visualize results and/or generate API documentation.


Please download the toolkit code. Our suggestion is to always clone stable branch:

git clone https://github.com/acado/acado.git -b stable ACADOtoolkit

We will refer to the ACADOtoolkit folder as <ACADO_ROOT>.

Go to ACADOtoolkit folder and create a build folder for an out-of-source build:

cd ACADOtoolkit
mkdir build
cd build

Run CMake to generate makefiles and start the building process:

cmake ..

Check whether the installation was successful by running an example:

cd ..
cd examples/getting_started

Now you can proceed to the documentation related page, where you can find out more about tutorials, source code documentation etc.


In case you want to compile ACADO in debug mode, you can run CMake like this:

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..

Alternative code download

If for any reason you cannot download the code using GIT or you do not want to use GIT (this is not encouraged!), you can download the code in a zip archive

  1. current code from the stable branch acadotoolkit-current-stable.zip or

  2. current code from the master branch acadotoolkit-current-master.zip.

Those archives are automatically updated after each successfully compiled and tested commit we push to the GIT repository.