PublicationsACADO toolkit and ACADO for MATLAB are open-source software, so you can use it free @ARTICLE{Houska2011a, author = {B. Houska and H.J. Ferreau and M. Diehl}, title = {{ACADO} {T}oolkit -- {A}n {O}pen {S}ource {F}ramework for {A}utomatic {C}ontrol and {D}ynamic {O}ptimization}, journal = {Optimal Control Applications and Methods}, year = {2011}, volume = {32}, pages = {298--312}, number = {3} } @ARTICLE{Houska2011b, author = {B. Houska and H.J. Ferreau and M. Diehl}, title = {{An Auto-Generated Real-Time Iteration Algorithm for Nonlinear {MPC} in the Microsecond Range}}, journal = {Automatica}, year = {2011}, volume = {47}, pages = {2279--2285}, number = {10}, doi = {10.1016/j.automatica.2011.08.020} } @MISC{acadoManual, author = {B. Houska and H.J. Ferreau and M. Vukov and R. Quirynen}, title = {{ACADO} {T}oolkit {U}ser's {M}anual}, howpublished = {}, year = {2009--2013} } @MISC{acadoForMatlabManual, author = {D. Ariens and B. Houska and H.J. Ferreau}, title = {ACADO for Matlab User's Manual}, howpublished = {}, year = {2010--2011} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Ferreau2012, author = {H.J. Ferreau and T. Kraus and M. Vukov and W. Saeys and M. Diehl}, title = {High-Speed Moving Horizon Estimation based on Automatic Code Generation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 51th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2012)}, year = {2012} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Vukov2012, author = {M. Vukov and W. Van Loock and B. Houska and H.J. Ferreau and J. Swevers and M. Diehl}, title = {{E}xperimental {V}alidation of {N}onlinear {MPC} on an {O}verhead {C}rane using {A}utomatic {C}ode {G}eneration}, booktitle = {The 2012 American Control Conference, Montreal, Canada.}, year = {2012} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Vukov2013, author = {Vukov, M. and Domahidi, A. and Ferreau, H. J. and Morari, M. and Diehl, M.}, title = {{A}uto-generated {A}lgorithms for {N}onlinear {M}odel {P}redicitive {C}ontrol on {L}ong and on {S}hort {H}orizons}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 52nd Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, year = {2013} } @Article{Quirynen2014a, Title = {{A}utogenerating {M}icrosecond {S}olvers for {N}onlinear {MPC}: a {T}utorial {U}sing {ACADO} {I}ntegrators}, Author = {R. Quirynen and M. Vukov and M. Zanon and M. Diehl}, Journal = {Optimal Control Applications and Methods}, Year = {2014} } @InProceedings{Quirynen2014c, Title = {{S}ymmetric {A}lgorithmic {D}ifferentiation {B}ased {E}xact {H}essian {SQP} {M}ethod and {S}oftware for {E}conomic {MPC}}, Author = {Quirynen, R. and Houska, B. and Vallerio, M. and Telen, D. and Logist, F. and Van Impe, J. and Diehl, M.}, Booktitle = {{Conference on Decision and Control}}, Year = {2014} } |